Synthetic 60cm Long Black Wig

Synthetic 60cm Long Black Wig

Synthetic 60cm Long Black Wig

Name of Product: Synthetic 60cm Long Black Wig
Where Purchased:
Product Description: The wig is a little bit past shoulder length (60cm long) with very thick, long bangs that go down to my chin.
Pros: The wig has very thick, long side bangs that can be cut and styled many different ways. It’s heat resistant and it holds product like hairspray and hair wax somewhat well. The ends were somewhat flippy, which suited my character, but may be an issue with other characters. It’s also very cheap, at least by my standards. And the edge of the wig is a little curly, looks natural.

Synthetic 60cm Long Black Wig
Cons: The wig tends to be rather shiny in most lighting, and the bangs can become unmanageable if they’re cut the wrong way (which mine were…). It also sheds a bit more than I’m used to, but not so much that it’s unbearable.
Overall: 8/10 it was really practical for the price, and it does suit my needs very well.
Here’s a picture, I twist and clip the bangs and flipped the ends more. The wig is naturally parted to the right, so the bangs will shift to the right without styling.

Synthetic 60cm Long Black Wig