Terrible Cosplay Ideas You Should Avoid

Terrible Cosplay Ideas You Should Avoid

When it comes Easter, Comic-Con or other crazy anime conventions, there are plenty of opportunities to take part in some great anime cosplay. Some cosplayers go all out and really put a lot of time and money into creating amazing costumes. Others, however, stick to the basics. Here are some of those not-so-great costumes that we’re all tempted to wear anyway.

Terrible Cosplay Ideas You Should Avoid

This is the bus they use to take you to hell…Cosplay hell.

Terrible Cosplay Ideas You Should Avoid

Terrible Cosplay Ideas You Should Avoid

Terrible Cosplay Ideas You Should Avoid

Terrible Cosplay Ideas You Should Avoid

Sailor moon is a classic…meaning if you’re still wearing this, watch some new anime.

Terrible Cosplay Ideas You Should Avoid

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